Harry Schouten
Helping others’ has been a leitmotiv for Harry for a very long time. It started with over 1000 hours of tutoring and 3 years of teaching subjects like Statistics, Business Administration and Economics. Since 1989, when he left teaching, he has trained and coached more than 7,000 participants to bring out the best in themselves. The first 15 years with Krauthammer and then with his own organisation and Business Impact. His strength is to quickly create a safe environment, in which participants are prepared to make themselves vulnerable, and to confront them with a smile. Or as one participant once said: “We laugh a lot and sometimes it hurts”
Typical Harry: analytical, direct and people-oriented.
Important Projects
- Mars
- Countus Accountants + Adviseurs
- Van Duuren Interport
Relevant Training
- Teacher Training South-West Netherlands Economic subjects I/II & Law