About us
“You make an impact on my people and on my business; it sticks’. This statement by one of our clients formed the foundation for our company name: Business Impact Training.”
Our team
It became evident almost immediately that the way in which our trainers were spread across Europe brought a unique strength with it: knowledge of the various cultures, ‘native speakers’ who all have an excellent command of English as well. This enables us to provide customised services to medium-sized and large organisations. We are able to coordinate and align centrally or locally, and we provide training and coaching internationally.
Our brand values; what makes us unique?
Whether it involves organisational-, team- or personal development, we provide support in finding new paths for achieving the best possible Business Impact. Our values, which you will constantly be reminded of in the provision of our services, are what bind our colleagues at BIT.
1. Measurable business impact as a result:
We make the results of our interventions tangible, whether it involves behavioural- or attitude change, improvement of the level of client- or employee satisfaction, or enhanced skills. Together we make the link to your business results! Which partner has previously proven capable of doing this?
We take our responsibility very seriously. We work in a contentious manner on the contribution that we and our organisation must offer you. We also expect the same from you. Who must make which effort to conclude the intervention with success? You can utilise our knowledge and experience, but you cannot delegate your responsibilities to us!
2. Confrontation:
We are experts in behavioural change. We hold a mirror up to organisations and individuals. We aren’t teachers with theories on how the world works, but instead we are behavioural trainers and we confront participants with the (side-)effects of their behaviour.
3. Positive attitude:
We look at talent and opportunities! We are well aware of the fact that convictions and assumptions can rapidly lead to interpretations and can colour the picture. Despite this, we always say to the person, even when we don’t agree in full with the contents. People feel the connexion because we are open to other opinions. We listen and question, without prejudice over right or wrong. With this exemplary behaviour we also help others to become more aware of the effect of their own behaviour. An inner positive drive is the basis for us!
Because of the management training, I spend less time in my work and I have more quality left ……
Arie van Vliet, director Jochem voor Ogen
Empower yourself
Long-term behavioral change, or skills that last, can be achieved by working with beliefs. We teach you to look differently and therefore act differently. That means that we get under the skin of participants. That can be confronting. Your behavioral pattern is then very clearly brought to the surface. With this we help you to gain strength.
Ultimately, the solution lies in your strengths, your qualities. Then it is up to you to stretch, to get out of that comfort zone. Your comfort zone is familiar, safe and feels good. There is much more to experience just beyond. There you learn and grow. This does not have to be done in large steps. We believe in 1% stretching improvement per day. This is our basic philosophy.
“Thorough preparation, discipline, practice, practice, practice and then performing to the maximum! For every important conversation I think about the trainer …”
Annemiek Mikkers, Manager New Business Development Sodexo
The team
We do this with an enthusiastic and international team of professional trainers. The distribution of our trainers across Europe brings with it knowledge of the different cultures. A unique power. Our trainers are all fluent in English. This allows us to provide tailor-made services to medium and large organizations. We can coordinate and coordinate both centrally and locally, and we train and coach internationally.