A mirror to yourself
Our online 361° feedback platform offers you a method for evaluating the performance of an individual in terms of specific competences. The 361° instrument is used as a basis for performance appraisal interviews and coaching.
“You can only make progress if you know where you stand.”

Growing with 361° feedback
You fill in your self-perception questions and subsequently invite numerous evaluators who have a good idea of your daily performance. These individuals could be colleagues on your same level, or employees, clients or superiors. One’s own impression of your strong or weak points can differ quite substantially from the perception of others. People sometimes list qualities for themselves which others don’t necessarily agree with, or the other way around.
The most important thing your program and approach has brought me is the ‘power of self-reflection’. It started right away when we discussed the results of the 361° analysis. That was quite confronting. There was quite a difference in how I saw myself acting and how that was experienced in practice by those around me.
Frank Toebes, General Manager NRF

The results of the 361° analysis
We provide you with a report with an overview of the various opinions relating to your competences. You can see, per question, how your self-perception differs from the respondents’ opinions. This offers a good tool for actually clarifying your learning objectives for training or coaching.
Yes, I would like to know more about 361° analysis
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