Luc Cipers
Luc Cipers has been active as a trainer, consultant and business coach since 1995. A dynamic trainer and empathic coach who gets and keeps participants moving.
Meanwhile Luc Cipers has extensive international experience.
Companies from Taiwan, Mexico, the US, UK, South Africa and various European countries regularly call on his expertise in sales, management and communication.
Luc – originally a social scientist – remains interested in the way people communicate with each other. He is convinced that the quality of our communication is proportional to our success. His specialty: helping people to optimally develop and use their talents and qualities.
French, Dutch and English
Important Projects
- Trained and/or coached over 17,000 professionals
- Speaker at various national and international conferences
- Author of a book on Charismatic Communication: “The Obama Factor”
Relevant Training
- Master’s Degree in Social Sciences (K.U. Leuven, Belgium)
- Business Economics (K.U. Leuven)
- Certified Business Consultant (Techniques For Change, London)
- LEGO Serious Play® Facilitator (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Typical Luc: Improving Business Impact