Emese Móricz


In her 25+ year career, Emese made the decision after 10 years in various management positions to specialize herself in training & coaching leaders and leadership teams in a multinational environment.

It’s Esmese convictions that if leaders want to achieve sustainable change, the environment that leaders are responsible for creating, is as important as the development of the individuals who are part of it. In leadership teams, she therefore focuses on creating this “container” that provides a stable and robust backdrop for any company to succeed and to function well in the long term. According her opinion “we live in an ever-changing and unpredictable world, so the stability that we can return to from time to time needs to be created from within, both at an individual and team level. On an individual level, we need to talk about similar focuses if one wants to become an inspiring 21st century leader and, alongside this, it is important to develop individual competences, if necessary.”

Ensuring an individual is fit for ‘long-term self-sustenance’ is the ultimate aim of a coach and it is crucial to take into account an individual’s maturity.

I believe that we truly become leaders when we find the inner motivation that goes beyond the achievement of goals. Inspirational leaders can radiate passion from within, they know themselves, they have risen from their failures, and with this inner strength they are able to drive their organizations to success. I support my partners to develop this inner strength within themselves.




Hungarian, English

Important Projects

  • • NNG – training of nearly 350 people over 4 years
  • • Lufthansa Systems – senior and middle management programmes for 3 years
  • Ericsson – multi-level management training in 5 countries
  • FinPro – From Words to Action, a series of leadership development programmes in Finland
  • Sanne – leadership development in Serbia
  • Executive individual coaching: Evosoft, NNG, UCB Pharma, Biogen, Mediplan, Telekom, VELUX
  • Executive team coaching: NNG, Lufthansa Systems, VELUX, Sanne
  • Creator and professional leader of the “Potential Based Leadership” module of the Transformational Agile Leadership MBA course at the Metropolitan University
  • Teacher at the Ubiquity University (USA) – Applied Neuroscience and Neurobusiness

Relevant Training

  • Professional translator and interpreter in English (1st diploma)
  • International Marketing Economist (2nd)
  • Training/coaching degrees: Krauthammer Coaching Faculty I-II, Integrated Coaching Approach course (USA
  • Senior student at the Academy of Inner Science (Germany) since 2015, founded by Thomas Hübl, intertwining spirituality and science
  • Meditation facilitator (2016)
  • Art of Hosting Facilitator (2017)
  • 25+ years of work experience, 10+ years in management, 15+ years in consulting, in a multinational environment
  • Management experience: marketing manager Dataware (T-Systems), marketing manager NN Pension Funds, business development manager Szinergia PM Kft.
  • Regular publications in ItBusiness print and online
  • Articles on successful leadership trends for the 21st century
Typical Emese: A long-term thinker, inspiring and an internationally oriented coach