Uwe Franz
Uwe is active as a trainer, coach and consultant in Germany and Austria and focuses primarily on the communication skills for managers and sales people. His specialty as a coach is characterized by depth, not only identifying symptoms but especially addressing the underlying causes and aligning the context bring his coachees and participants a step closer to their authentic power and potential. Uwe is also an appreciated key note speaker.
Uwe is always looking for a sustainable solution. Not fixing symptoms, but changing the underlying causes and aligning the context.
Uwe is always looking for a sustainable solution. Not fixing symptoms, but changing the underlying causes and aligning the context.
Important Projects
KPMG, senior management.
Aperam : Change Management
Golfstore : Sales training
Salesforce.com, time management & team building program.
Relevant Training
Diplom Kaufmann, University Bamberg.
Typical Uwe: dynamism, credibility and enrichment