Paolo Mazzaglia


Paolo’s mission is to explore the complexity of life, to find connections and to design engaging paths that encourage constant evolution and the willingness to challenge ourselves and our status quo. He has an eclectic approach lead by a constant quest for what is helpful, important and useful, independently from the source and the time in which the idea was originated. As a trainer and as coach Paolo focusses on enlarging the possibility fields of people and organizations, awake creativity and courage with the final purpose to help people in becoming more intentional and in bringing ideas to action. He merges training and coaching skills with his experiences as amateur improviser and martial art instructor to create powerful transformational experiences. He is part of the Six Second global network and a preferred partner of the Italian chapter.

“Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right”




Italian and English

Important Projects

  • Ferrero, internal catalogue trainer and special projects
  • Alfa Laval, strategy and visioning design for Italy and Almea region
  • FCA, talent development
  • Rulmeca, full company development program
  • Danone, different development programs

Relevant Training

  • Engineering degree
  • Coaching school
  • Six Second EQ and Vital signs Assessor
  • Lego Serious Play certified facilitator